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Fashion with a purpose


Having a little cyberspace of my own is a pleasure. It’s my fashion sanctuary, an emotional and beautiful outlet and, most importantly, a wonderful way to share thoughts and opinions. Yet there are moments when blogging seems like a frivolity and conversations involving bags and shoes – almost meaningless. Whenever it happens, I quietly suffer until a project comes along that makes me realise, once again, that blogging can, in fact, make a difference.

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A few days ago I heard of a new venture called DesignUp Asia, the Singapore-based jewellery brand launched in March 2013. The concept was visualised by the team of five strangers. They met at a brainstorming weekend competition challenging members of the public to come up with new and exciting business plans supporting the community. The judges loved the idea of an on-line jewellery boutique selling pieces made by single mothers and awarded the remaining trio, Kim Ong, Ho Yi Chuen and Anisa Johnny with a start up capital. Three months later the idea became an official enterprise and the unique mix of talents brought together by serendipity led to the most exciting and rewarding experience.


Suddenly women who never had an access to formal education or any luck of finding permanent work were given a chance to become a part of Designup Asia, learn to make professionally designed bijoux style jewellery from recycled and vintage materials and then work from home while looking after their young children.


Such an amazing and honourable way to give people hope, support, confidence and pride and, lets not forget, take care of the planet by making the business ecologically sustainable.

The founders call it “fashion with a purpose” – I think it sums everything up perfectly.


Photo source: DesignUp Asia official Facebook page, illustration via 123rf.com

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