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Pure beauty in Harper’s Bazaar 1990


“Love of beauty is taste.
The creation of beauty is art”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

What does beauty mean to you? For me, beauty is the emotional comfort, the absence of dissonance, the nourishment for the mind and soul. Beauty is synergy, the balance between the the outer shell and the content, the holistic connection between mind, body and soul. Beauty is about happiness. Beauty is purity. Beauty is about feeling sexy. Beauty is the glowing skin. Beauty is health. Beauty is knowledge. Beauty is something that empowers and conquers.

I don’t talk about beauty on this blog much, but whenever it happens, I try to to make each post as meaningful as possible because I want to remind everyone who reads my stories that beauty isn’t about perfection, layers of make-up, dieting, pushing the body beyond its limits or trying to look like somebody else, but more about purity, love, understanding and accepting.

I feel that this is not only something that would be beneficial for us, but also for the world we live in, for the future we are heading towards.

What does beauty mean to you? I ask four beautiful and inspirational women whom I interviewed for the series. I thought that their knowledge and opinions will be incredibly useful for anyone turning to fashion when looking for the formula of beauty whether it’s in the mind, adornment of the skin or healthy body.

Beauty was once the force that could save the world and I think this is the time to recall that Dostoevsky’s quote, turn to beauty and discover its wonders.

Welcome to my Pure Beauty week. I hope you will enjoy the journey!






Photo source: Harper’s Bazaar US January 1990
(photography: Phillip Dixon)

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